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Refund & Returns Policy

The Olde mill wood box beams are custom-manufactured to your specifications

We encourage you to review your order carefully. Since the product is built to your specifications, the order cannot be changed, modified, or cancelled once it is in production.

They are not structural and are meant to be used with conventional framing. There could be slight color variance in products, especially if ordered at different times. Color variances are not valid reasons for returns. Longleaf pine is a rustic wood with a rough finish, visible knots, nailholes and cracks, this is also not a valid reason for return. White Oak similarly will have cracks and knots, these are natural occurrences and not valid for a refund. 

Variations in veneer thickness is not a valid reason for a refund. Real Wood has natural variances and air pockets.

A 25% Restocking fee may be applied. 

Any products that have been altered on the jobsite (cut or stained) are not eligible for return.